February 05, 2005

EverQuest II

EverQuest II a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, By Sony Online Entertainment, its the second biggest MMORPG game, as far as i know, after StarWars Galaxies and City Of Heroes.
EverQuest II follows its own successor, EverQuest, it was done carefully and over a period of years. first of all i would like to comment on the game graphics.

I think, SOE did ALOT of graphic enhancments and adjustment if you going to compare to other old SOE games, the graphics were great, but still, you need a massive Computer with an excellent Graphic card to really see the difference, one thing annoyed me though, is the blur, adding blur in a good way is nice! but adding it in like every corner is really annoying, but you can remove that effect from the option screen, so thats not a really big issue.

SOE really worked on this game, Storyline, how it continues after the first EverQuest, BUT, sadly they really didn't put the effort on the most important thing in MMORPG.
1. Character Designs
2. Character movements
3. Animation

I don't know if anyone who played the game liked those, but for me it was horrible, i couldn't believe how stupid the movements are, and the characters seems like " some parts joint together " is that ur basic character design SOE? Varent were better ;) remember EQ?, i really think that the movements are like 1,2,3 basic, it didn't give me the feeling of Reality, maybe because after Half Life 2, nothing would give me the feeling of reality? because HL2 was so real in my computer, i didn't even notice the clock while playing, anyway, back to EQ2

first of all, when you zoom in to see the joints of a character, you will notice that this is really badly done, my settings were NOT at max! it wasn't since it slows up really hard, but it was at a high rate i can assure you that, you will notice that each part of the body is like having its own mind and movements, which is really bad IF , for example, dance and run at the same time, its funny, i think SOE did plenty of time on character design that they totally messed it up, relaxe i'll say, check FFXI characters, honestly, best characters i saw there, well don't count the galka ;), one more thing about character movements, more like 2 things really, the griffon that you ride to move from tower to tower in a huge landscape, its movement is , TOTALLY BAD, you can notice that it is following a straight line, come on SOE, you can do better!, and about the Mages spell casting, its like some people dancing. enough of movements and lets get down to gameplay! Pictures 4,5,9 shows how stupid when u keep looking at the enemy face when fighting.

Gameplay is really good, done carefuly and wisely, honestly i can say that doing hero chances to get more damage and in every level you get either 1 or 2 skills , and best of all the fun spell! fun spells or skills you can get when you are level20, anyway.. basic job/profession choices, in EverQuest II you will get to choose a basic profession that will later, accourding to you ofcourse, lead you to an advance profession, your basic professions are:
1. Fighter
2. Mage
3. Scout
4. Priest
then after reaching level 10, you will get to choose your first advancement of your profession, at level20 is the third and last Advnacement of your profession,
I choose a Fighter, and advanced it to a Brawler, then level 20, got advanced to a Monk, which what i was in EverQuest 1, i played abit, had fun for a while but, the movements kept on screwing stuff up, and why do you have to make the characters FACE the enemy FACE? it looks stupid honestly, specially when you fighting the enemy, i didn't advance more into the game, since the movement totally turned me off, and cancelled my account, the game still is great, but the movement is BAD, which i think is the most important part in MMORPG, i don't know if other people think that movements are secondary to other important stuff like fighting/ skill advancements/ job/profession advancements and stuff, but i think this game is good, IF and only IF! japanese people can do their characters and movements ;) don't you agree SOE? hire some Japanese animators and designors, your ideas were great! but movements -_-; , here are some pictures of my little advernture into the new Norrath.

Posted by snakeam at February 5, 2005 01:26 PM

WOW!! .. How Realistic ( Pic # 6 from the left )
the players are smelling someting ( mo 7a6een diod rant ) ... that means the game is so realistic the player can smell there self :P

Posted by: DNA^Q8 at February 9, 2005 10:04 PM


Posted by: Snakeam at February 10, 2005 01:54 AM